Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A caterpillar imprisoned in a glass jar 
Would be quite content 
As is it its nature to be 
Satisfied with a plentiful supply of leaves to munch 
And not being very adventurous and demanding 
It would perceive no difference 
Save the absence of the dangers of the wild 
Which it would be oblivious of 
Sheltered and naïve as it is. 
But what happens when this 
Fuzzy green caterpillar, 
Rather plain and uninteresting to the eye, 
Wraps itself in a cocoon and 
Into a breathtaking butterfly, 
Alluring in its vivid colours? 
What happens to this butterfly, 
Fluttering so gracefully, unconscious of its charm? 
Its romantic soul, etched in liquid lines 
On its tissue-like wings, 
Yearns to be free. 

Will it exhaust itself with futile attempts; 
To break free of an invisible barrier; 
Synthetic material incomprehensible to natural cognition; 
And drop dead, within its glass prison? 

Will it perch complacently on a leaf; 
Barely managing to stretch its wings in its confinement; 
And once let loose 
Fall. Since it never learned to fly? 

Or, will it bid its time, 
Wings trembling with the passion to fly, 
And defy the hand that held it captive, 
Flying away never to come back…? 

Christina De Silva
04 July 2009

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